In Taiwan, the study of nonnormative gender and sexual identities has always been rich in anthropological, historical, and literary detail. Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBTQ) rights in Taiwan, have been regarded as some of the most progressive in East Asia and Asia in general. India and Taiwan are on very different ends of the spectrum regarding LGBTQ rights. An observer from India, in a study done by Altman in 1996, had said that “India has no gay movements and perhaps never will. Lesbians in India bear the twin mantles of being women and divergent from the heteronormative ideal. The internet has tremendous potential in achieving greater social equity and improve everyday life for those on the margins of society. Underdeveloped infrastructure and rates of illiteracy besides the expense of buying computer equipment keep internet use low. Among Facebook users, Taiwanese college students represent users from a collectivist culture, for whom being socially informed and connected is the foremost concern.