Metafictional postmodern texts surface multiple ontologies of the transitional self in layered and intersecting narrative expressions of authorship. A trans capability functioning in the virtuality of fiction demonstrates that a perpetual state of becoming can be envisaged when realist assumptions are dissolved in favour of pluralised narrative extrapolations. Transrealist narrative movements develop the permeability of fictive frames which permit authorial presence and expression in the text. Concurrently, a queering of identity narratives has emerged as a viable aesthetic that enables multiple inclusive dimensions for identity constructs, fostering a transilient capability when navigating fictive worlds. Contemporary audiences evince an appetite for queer transitory identity and narrative permutations with a fluid performative facility that works in a feedback loop between fiction and reality. This media-literate knowingness advances an emergent application of fictive transilience into a real-world lived experience for an agency in the transmodern era.