There is not one overarching faculty experience; rather, faculty productivity expectations and success metrics vary by numerous factors, such as institutional type, faculty line classification, disciplinary culture, and identity characteristics. This chapter discusses how two faculty members have disrupted and reimagined success for themselves as faculty members. The authors share how they have (re)defined productivity and time to combine professional and personal elements of success. The authors describe how they identify, measure, and celebrate standard quantifiable metrics (e.g., teaching evaluations, publication numbers, service appointments) alongside intangible joys (e.g., thank you notes from students, affirmations from colleagues, creating counternarratives) and points of personal progress (e.g., spending time with loved ones, cultivating hobbies). Readers are invited to engage with the authors’ stories, consider their own identities and context, and determine how they can disrupt, rethink, and reimagine success within the academy.