Delivery systems are critical to credible nuclear deterrence. Acquisition of nuclear weapons without an effective delivery system is of little value. China initiated reform in the People’s Liberation Army primarily from 2013 onwards to “fully transform the people’s armed forces into world-class forces by the mid-21st century”. A recent estimate of nuclear weapons stockpiles shows that as of November 2021, China maintained a stockpile of approximately 350 nuclear warheads, compared to an estimated stockpile of 240 nuclear warheads in 2011. China has many missiles, including cruise missiles, that are speculated to be dual capable. China perceives the US missile defence architecture as a major challenge to its own missile operations. Dialogue on strategic issues and effective arms control measures can be a few options to arrest some of the destabilising developments in the region. The scramjet engine would enable the cruise missile to travel at hypersonic speed while withstanding high temperatures.