LGBTIQ hate crime—the targeting of individuals with violence and abuse because of their sexual orientation or gender identity—has long been recognized as a significant social problem. LGBTIQ online hate has been transformed by the advent of the internet, providing a platform and space in which LGBTIQ people can be subject to, and targeted with, hate, harassment, and abuse. However, despite the prevalence of LGBTIQ online hate, very little is known about its nature and impact. Therefore, this chapter seeks to examine the nature and extent of online hate directed toward LGBTIQ individuals and the impact on LGBTIQ victims and the wider LGBTIQ community. The data presented draws on collated findings from two qualitative transnational studies, comprising a total of 1849 LGBTIQ people, who had all experienced some form of online hate. Consequently, this chapter discusses LGBTIQ people’s experiences of online hate and the need for a range of different responses to tackle this pervasive issue.