This chapter presents the consequences of addressing the abuses in the charismatic communities founded in the last century in the European countries. The discussion is based on both victim complaints and actions taken by ecclesiastical hierarchy and the decisions taken by the governments of these movements and associations.

We provide descriptions of the abusive dynamics denounced, and offer explanations of the systemic elements within these institutions that contribute to an environment susceptible to the abuse of power, of conscience, or sexual misconduct. While originating in Europe, many of these communities carry out their evangelizing mission in Latin America and reproduce these dynamics within the region through the same institutional organization.

These reflections incorporate elements from multiple international reports focusing on charismatic organizations, as well as proposals emerging from research and conclusions conducted by these movements themselves. The reports, commissioned by the communities or ecclesiastical hierarchy, involve external and independent actors who primarily interview current and former members. These reports represent the latest chapter in the evolution of a new civil literature, developed by non-theological sciences, which specifically addresses this subject matter.