This chapter delves on the measures taken by the Catholic Church to confront the issue of abuse within its ranks. It highlights the transformative impact of new legal regulations, which have substantially reshaped the approach to addressing abuses and established a foundation for equitable procedures. Nevertheless, considerable hurdles persist. These obstacles arise from administrative processes and limitations in available human resources, impeding the complete implementation of these norms. Additionally, the Church mentality forged during the last two millennia struggles to keep pace with the rapid evolution of societal norms and scientific discoveries. Consequently, it often clashes with the prevailing worldview held by the majority of our contemporaries. Furthermore, among some of the Church leaders, the abuse crisis has revealed a disturbing double standard in terms of sexual moral teachings.

The crisis and the scandals that have been stirred up globally raise the issue of a necessary and courageous aggiornamiento that would face the various bottlenecks of the institution.