For years Africana women have found themselves in a serious ideological predicament. The privileges and advantages still belong to the dominant group. This leads to the conclusion that feminism is to Africana women as post-Mandela apartheid is to Black South Africans. In spite of its Eurocentric perceptions and realities since inception, mainstream feminism has been presented as the panacea for women’s problems the world over, regardless of differences in race, class and ethnicity. “Global Feminism” was coined and used in this regard. Fortunately, new challenges and demands necessitated a re-evaluation. The mainstream feminist’s assertion is for equal and individual rights for White women in a patriarchy where White men have monopolized power. Since Africana men have never had the same institutionalized power to oppress as have White men, family pride and solidarity are embraced warmly from the Africana woman’s perspective. Complementarity between men and women is encouraged.