The petitioner, a Jew, and his wife, a non-Jewess, are the parents of two children, a son born in 1964, and a daughter born in 1967. Notifications of the birth of the children, signed by the petitioner and including particulars of their religion and nationality, were given, as regards the son, under the Registration of Inhabitants Ordinance, 1949, and as regards the daughter, under the Population Registry Law, 1965, which came into force on August 1, 1965, replacing the Ordinance. In the notification regarding the son no entry was made concerning “religion”, while in the column “nationality” (national affiliation) the word “Jew” was entered, but an official of the respondents, acting under directives issued by the Minister of the Interior in 1960 which replaced earlier directives issued in 1958, later inserted under “religion” the words “Father Jewish—Mother non-Jewish”, and replaced the word “Jew” in the “nationality” column by the words “not registered”. In the notification regarding the daughter neither the religion nor the nationality of the child was stated, but an official of the respondents, confusing “religion” with “nationality”, later inserted under “religion” the words “not registered” and under “nationality” the words “Father Jewish—Mother non-Jewish”.