This chapter largely consists of a paper published in April 2020, a scant two-and-a-half years ago, but in pandemic time reckoning it was at the beginning of “COVID time.” We knew so little in April 2020; so little had yet happened. The paper is worth reprinting here as it provides more detail on the role of community health workers (CHWs) in the proposed Community Health Resilience Plan (CHRP) which is discussed in detail in Chapter 9. It is also worth reprinting just to see how far we have come in terms of treatment and how the situation has deteriorated in terms of the overall political situation in the United States.

Prefatory Note: This paper was written in April 2020, a scant two and a half years ago, but in pandemic time reckoning it was at the beginning of “COVID time.” We knew so little; so little had yet happened. It is important to reprint this paper here (it was first published in the Journal of Ambulatory Care Management, 43, no. 3, in July–September 2020, under the title “Community-Centered Population Health”), as it provides more detail on the role of Community Health Workers (CHWs) in the proposed Community Health Resilience Plan (CHRP) which I discuss in detail in chapter 8. It is also worth reprinting just to see how far we have come in terms of treatment and how the situation has deteriorated in terms of the overall political situation in the United States. The version of the paper below contains a number of changes and adaptations for this book.