The increasing competitiveness of the global market and economy is complemented by an increasing demand for knowledge production, knowledge sharing and innovative transformation. This is also marked by the need to transform and integrate, at the same time diversify players in the knowledge production sites ‘positionalities’ (Caruana and Montgomery, 2015 p7) where the existing skills and knowledge were once confined within a specific geopolitical landscape, thus leading to a greater call for social accountability. There is also a need to acknowledge and address the possible existence of positional advantaged agents from developed western ‘senders’ in the global north who may take advantage of network relationships that positions ‘receivers’ from less developed countries of the global south in a state of compliance or dependence.

This paper will feature an empirical understanding of the Indo-German knowledge production sites and proceedings within the backdrop of shifting positionalities and the ‘new production of knowledge. It explores the ‘shifting’ of the academic network within a larger global landscape by highlighting knowledge transfer (KT) through collaborative exchange and mobility projects of the University of Göttingen (UGOE). An increase in global connectivity often paved way for shifting positionalities within transnational communities wherein cross-border KT and management facilitate creative solutions to the many challenges brought forth by the growing competitiveness in the knowledge market.

The importance of transnational knowledge production and the economy as well as the emergence of India as a key scientific and technological leading country through46 its impressive and growing network of excellent universities and institutions pave the way for Indo-German academic cooperation, which ultimately became well integrated within the foreign policy framework of both India and Germany. This chapter discusses how the landmark strategy enhances further cooperation in study and research not just from within one geographical space but also beyond geographical boundaries. The chapter will emphasize the Indo-German academic collaboration in general and the internationalization of higher education strategy and experience of the University of Göttingen (UGOE) in specific.

Special focus is given to cross-border KT between UGOE and Indian partner institutions, the production of knowledge and management under the aegis of Göttingen International Office. Case studies of knowledge management through exchange and mobility projects at UGOE are highlighted; how UGOE manages the exchange of brilliant minds through its research collaborations, exchange and mobility projects, especially in times of the pandemic; how UGOE focuses on the importance of multidisciplinary approaches (knowledge flow that is inclusive and sensitive to the local socio-economic scenario) and positionality through an intercultural partnership of players engaging in the interface between citizens, students, employees, and alumni who impart knowledge and learn from each other.