Knowledge production, which represents the development of any civilization has shifted from one part of the world to another through time. Today, it is the global north that has greater claims on the knowledge produced, whereas the south seemingly makes efforts to cope with the growing pressure. It is imperative to rethink the implications of such categories as well as the existing power hierarchies between global north and south and facilitate engagement and collaboration to pluralize knowledge production.Knowledge diplomacy could potentially be beneficial in bridging this existing north south divide, as international higher education, research, and innovation can play a major role in strengthening the relations between different countries. Despite the potential of knowledge diplomacy, academic collaborations and projects are still mainly centred around higher education institutions in the global north. North south cooperation becomes crucial today to respond to global challenges. Hence, such asymmetries in partnerships also need to be addressed.

Knowledge diplomacy may help create new frameworks of knowledge production which would, in turn, be beneficial in addressing global challenges. Efforts are being made to further north-south collaboration through different projects. This paper attempts to understand the potential of knowledge diplomacy in addressing the issue of the north-south divide in knowledge production and if different initiatives can help widen the scope of Indian and European collaboration as well.