This chapter draws on ecofeminism to trace some of the thematic interconnections between women’s writing published in Wales that is concerned with ideas of activism and protest in relation to environmental damage, pollution, loss of landscapes, and climate change. By drawing on different forms, such as the short story, the novel, and ecopoetry, this chapter explores the complex ways in which women writers have brought attention to important issues affecting women’s health, bodies, and the land itself, ranging from Greenham Common and Chernobyl to building on greenfield sites and inadequate housing insulation. At the same time, it underscores the importance of emerging voices in environmental literature, especially women writers of colour, through the changing landscape of publishing in Wales. This includes the establishment of new platforms and publications, as well as public-facing roles, such as the writer in residence, and community engagement projects. It identifies hope, interconnection, and community at the heart of Welsh publishing contexts and outlines the ways in which new projects and platforms endeavour to safeguard the future for future generations.