This chapter examines the roles of the hate media (both conventional and social) in fanning the amber of loathing, hate speech, xenophobia and Afrophobia in Cȏte d’Ivoire and South Africa. The media has occupied the centre stage in misinformation and overbearing influence on the eruption of riots, looting, and killings linked to xenophobia and Afrophobia in some African countries, namely Cȏte d’Ivoire and South Africa in this context. The roles of Radio Muhabura and Radio Télévision Libre des Mille collines in the Rwandan civil war and the genocide of the Tutsis or the Radio Televizija Srbije in the Yugoslavian civil war are points of reference. This chapter uses qualitative research procedures to explore the nexus between xenophobia and the role of the media in the flash points under review. As a postscript, the chapter discusses the relevant legislations and rules that govern hate media and speech, fake news, and negative impacts on the mental health of the victims of xenophobia and Afrophobia.