This chapter delves into the ethical considerations and best practices journalists should employ when reporting on the complex and sensitive topic of migration. With an increasing number of people displaced by conflicts, persecution, and economic hardship, the need for accurate, compassionate, and unbiased reporting has never been greater. This chapter presents a proposal for practising Journalism of Tolerance (JT) on how journalists can report about refugees and immigrants to present solutions to the problems of refugees and immigrants and create social cohesion and tolerance without succumbing to xenophobia. JT is not a new form of journalism – on the contrary, it draws on perspectives and insights from the theories of Human Rights Journalism (HRJ), Constructive Journalism (COJO), and Journalism for Social Change (JSC), highlighting the role of journalists as storytellers who have the power to either perpetuate stereotypes and fear or to foster empathy, understanding, and inclusion. This chapter emphasizes the responsibility of journalists to contribute to a more informed and compassionate society through their reporting. By adhering to the principles of journalism of tolerance, they can play an essential role in shaping public opinion and dispelling misinformation about refugees and immigrants. Ultimately, it serves as a guide for aspiring and practising journalists, equipping them with the knowledge and tools necessary to report responsibly and sensitively on one of the most pressing issues of our time. Through ethical reporting that humanizes, informs, and challenges preconceptions, journalists can help build a more inclusive and empathetic global community.