In this haecceity, I inquire into the type of inquiry I am enacting in this thesis. The terms ‘fuzzy’ and ‘fuzziness’ seemed to fit in describing something present yet indistinct. Deleuze and Guattari (2004) use ‘fuzzy’ to describe an opposition to axiomatic approaches, where the taken-for-granted is operationalised. For them ‘the axiomatic manipulates only denumerable sets, even infinite ones, whereas the minorities constitute “fuzzy”, nondenumerable, nonaxiomizable sets, in short, “masses”, multiplicities of escape and flux’ (Deleuze and Guattari, 2004, p. 519). These ‘fuzzinesses’ thus try not to take method for granted. They also move across ‘denumerable sets’, or pre-given categories to posit vague problems and directions of methodological consideration that have influenced the thesis.