Sexual harassment at the workplace is a global phenomenon; hence the reason why a brief discussion of the international legal aspects features in the chapter. The topic narrows down to discuss in more detail the various aspects of sexual harassment in Great Britain. An analysis takes place on the British three prong statutory definition of sexual harassment, which is followed by an evaluation of the proposed Statutory Code of Practice to be drafted by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC), with no indication when the code will be put before Parliament. It is submitted that the content of such code will include the content of the two EHRC guidance documents of 2020 which are fleshed out in the chapter. The Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service (ACAS) procedure for handling sexual harassment cases is also discussed in some detail. Nine concluding thoughts in which there feature constructive criticisms, a number of suggestions to be heeded by employers to protect themselves against liability – including vicarious liability – and a summing up of its content will conclude the chapter.