This interview explores historical and contemporary perspectives on women’s ordinations and the changing status of women in Buddhist communities. The interview with Bhikkhunī Ayyā Phalañāṇī, a remarkable Buddhist nun (bhikkhunī), examines the emergence of female religious agency across cultures and time periods. She narrates her motivations for becoming a Buddhist nun and her journey to obtaining the required training and education for her ordination. Next, Ayyā Phalañāṇī discusses gender bias and discrimination within the Buddhist community, sharing her personal experiences. She emphasizes the significance of education, and eventually enlightenment, to promote gender equality. Ayyā Phalañāṇī envisions a positive role for women within Buddhism in the future, particularly in Germany, USA, Australia, etc., where the bhikkhunī community is growing stronger. She highlights the importance of pioneering women who paved the way for future generations of bhikkhunīs. She also stresses the need to ensure women are treated as spiritual leaders on par with men in all aspects of monastic life. This interview offers valuable insights into the evolving landscape of Buddhist women’s ordination and female religious agency in Buddhism. It showcases the progress made towards gender equality and the challenges that remain.