This chapter discusses how Southern Utah University's (SUU)’s Office of Online Teaching and Learning (OTL) staff participated in the revision of the institution’s Distance Education Policy to introduce legislation, define roles and responsibilities, address accessibility barriers, and allocate funding for sustainability. In 2019, revisions to the Distance Education Policy at SUU began with an internal OTL review of the current policy and resources. Throughout the process, staff regularly consulted with an external WebAIM accessibility specialist to seek input on potential improvements. In early discussions, it became clear that advancing policy revisions would require garnering administrative support. The OTL Advisory Board, comprising representatives from each college, the Faculty Senate, the library, the Disability Resource Center, the Online Advising Office, the Information Technology Department, the Student Association, and the Budget Office, discussed the policy revisions. The process was managed through a Google document, where representatives shared input from their colleagues in their respective areas.