STEM FYS uses ePortfolio to help students understand science as a discipline, gain familiarity with the skills and habits of mind of successful college students, and build STEM identity focused on integrative learning. Recognizing that ePortfolio is most effective when scaffolded across the student learning experience, we are creating a cohesive Core ePortfolio that extends across courses and semesters, providing students multiple opportunities to build key competencies and refine their STEM identities. Carlone and Johnson suggest that the building of STEM identity must address performance of competence and recognition as a scientist by meaningful others, including faculty and peers. High-impact ePortfolio practice resonates on multiple levels with the approaches suggested by STEM identity theorists. The department-wide change process undertaken by LaGuardia’s Natural Science faculty supports Eynon and Gambino’s third Catalyst Value Proposition, the power of high-impact ePortfolio practice to catalyze broader, learning-focused change.