The Connect to Learning project’s Catalyst Framework presents Inquiry, Reflection, and Integration as three key design principles that guide effective ePortfolio classroom practices. Applying these principles in ePortfolio pedagogy enables students to develop the tools necessary to extrapolate their academic studies to other aspects of their lives beyond the classroom setting. This chapter presents a case study of the role and importance of curation in the First-Year Seminar (FYS) in the Liberal Arts at LaGuardia Community College. Curating student identity in FYS is important because LaGuardia students come from uneven educational backgrounds and have faced many challenges. The curation process began by focusing on specific elements of students’ personal stories and slowly built toward a consideration of their narrative as a whole. The FYS in the Liberal Arts is a credit-bearing course serving new and incoming transfer students enrolled in LaGuardia’s Liberal Arts in Social Science and Humanities major.