This chapter explores a proactive approach to identifying students who are displaying mental health symptoms and to connecting them to professional help. Promoting a feeling of connectedness is foundational to creating emotionally healthy communities. According to Whitlock, Wyman, and Barreira connectedness is best understood as a psychological state of being that reflects a sense of closeness, embedded-ness, and visibility to individuals and groups. A campus community that seeks to promote both interpersonal and intrapersonal connectedness will support and reward outreach to and caring for individuals. The creation of an ethos of care will generate a culture that supports policies, practices, and structures that nurture connectedness for all students. However, main purpose of most behavioral intervention teams is to gather information on and generate an appropriate response to those who may be displaying behaviors that could lead to harm to self or others. Therefore, behavioral intervention teams may be limited due to their essentially and necessarily reactive approach to campus safety.