The curriculum is interdisciplinary, drawing on US and world history, law and society, politics, communication studies, ethics, theater, literature, and film. In addition to readings, hands-on workshops, structured role plays, question-and-answer sessions with visiting experts, and student-directed group projects help students develop concrete skills. Teaching the course was an exciting and complex undertaking. Multicultural Conflict Resolution meets learning outcomes for “Relational Communication,” a requirement for the HCOM major. These outcomes were originally designed to enhance the “development of the knowledge, skills, values, abilities, and understandings that today’s graduates would need in order to live meaningful and successful lives in the 21st century,” as one faculty member instrumental in developing them recalls. Specifically, by taking this course, students were expected to develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities described in the following outcomes: identify and describe complex issues or problems requiring a decision-making process; and employ a win-win ethic in the decision-making process.