Sara was excited to start college. She had earned good grades in high school, having many Bs and an occasional A and C. Sara was a model student—consistently meeting teacher expectations, turning her work in on time, and doing her best to learn. She felt quite capable of her abilities to succeed academically. Unfortunately, unbeknownst to Sara, her high school experience had not equipped her to study effectively. Then there was John. John had squandered many opportunities in high school because there was always something more important to do than study. Not only did his grades reflect his lack of responsibility, but equally unfortunate was that he had never learned how to study. The likelihood that John would succeed in college was very low unless he got some help. For Katie it was different. Although she had a very strong work ethic and discipline, Katie had constantly struggled throughout high school. Regardless of her academic struggles, she had a deep desire to learn and succeed. Her dream was to graduate from college. Katie knew this would be a challenge, but she believed through hard work and good decision making she would earn her diploma.