The kitchen was dark, but I could see the shapes. There they were, three Crock-Pots, plugged in, ready to go. These decade-old wedding gifts were being thrust into service in my new life—a life in which I was a working woman with children. On the eve of my return to work after the birth of my second child, I was smug in the knowledge that my family would have decent, nutritious meals, with dessert, every night and those meals would be ready when we all walked through the door at the end of a long day. Never mind that tomorrow was the first day of day care for the 5-month old, the first day of kindergarten for the 5-year old, and my first day back to my position as Associate Dean for Student Development at Boston College after a challenging pregnancy and medical/maternity leave. I was ready, armed with Crock-Pots and good intentions.