The respective paper will highlight the decline of the techno-centric world as the epidemic was a boon and a curse that expected a collective or unified support from the masses and bending towards a cod line during the mayhem due to socio-political unrest distracted a healthy maintenance of the country, the underrated aims of socio-political detriments in the Indian subcontinent where the governing bodies posited threats for global plunders irrespective of any concrete vigilance. The paper would explore from the point of view pandemic events and post future shelf of the earth. The paper would also showcase the ambiguity of critical subjectivity through the medium of factual incidents took place in India that ultimately ruined the alertness of epidemic sensitivity. Politics and sociological mischances have been briefly elaborated and how administrative slackness devoured the practical thinking of humankind with lack of reciprocation and techno – centric procrastination which were stalwart occurrences in India during the COVID-19.