Argues for the need of a new Manifesto, stating that yes, we need a new Manifesto. One that sums up the system we live in and outlines an alternative system that its readers find inspiring enough to want to risk every small mercy the present system grants them so as to see this alternative system materialise against the wishes of the world’s great powers. Today, as we watch the growing contempt in which the vast majority in every country hold their governments, an inverted Darwinist process seems to be at play: The greater a ruler’s (e.g., Boris Johnson, Emmanuel Macron, Joe Biden) failure to inspire the lower the probability of an insurrection against the system that produced the uninspiring ruler. It is as if our politics, in contrast to Nature, bestows the greatest evolutionary fitness to the greatest failures. This is why we need a Manifesto that does three things. First, to define the enemy as the unseen but all-determining system that it is. Secondly, to summarise an alternative system that is at once radically different, realistic, and desirable. And thirdly, to tell us what we must do to bring it on, while also convincing us that merely mitigating the worst aspects of the current system is a step back, not a step in the right direction.