The purpose of this text is to analyze the current tasks of a left-wing politics from a Latin American point of view. Taking up the ideas of the Peruvian Marxist José Carlos Mariátegui, we propose a post-communism that, based on the inclusion of the race variable, faith (beyond dogmatic Marxist positivism) and cosmopolitanism. For this the article puts forward three theses: the real abstraction of the commodity form is expressed, in multiple ways, in various historical-political configurations; the capital combines and articulates, to date, three types of governmentalities: neoliberalism, “liberfascism” and “cyberalism” (two neologisms that I have coined in previous texts); it is the task of a cosmopolitan post-communism to resolve at least the five aporias: to build an international strategy that does not subsume everything in a modernizing homogeneity; to articulate small-scale autonomous politics (micropolitics) with large-scale institutional politics (macropolitics), to conciliate the extractivist politics with the respect of the environment and indigenous ways of life, to recognize the role of the unconscious in political and to include another political subjects such as other species and entities beyond the speciesism.