With the establishment of the Republic in 1927 things, softened somehow and, it should be noted, that the People’s Party (P.P.) accepted the legitimacy of the Republic and functioned within its framework contrary to what Dr Loulis, and others, have asserted. In 1946, the broad conservative movement which constituted the ‘United Nationalist Front’ received 55.1% of the vote on a primitive anti-communist platform. ‘Excessive liberalism’ was the target of the old conservative section, who desire the ‘re-conquest’ of the state in order to distribute its spoils. The Greek Conservative movement identified itself, early in the century, as a pro-monarchy and anti-Venizelos camp. The anti-Venizelist stamp prevailed for a long time until it was basically though not totally - replaced by anti-Communism and, after the fall of the junta and - more particularly - the rise of the Socialists to power, by anti-socialism.