Working through is not so much a concept as a doing, like remembering or repeating. It was not given much thought in Freud's oeuvre, although it was soon apparent that it took up most of the time of the analytical process. Psychoanalysts are naturally more focused on pointing out an unconscious mechanism or a particular aspect of psychic reality, but they are more reticent about discussing how the many years of working through actually proceed. The process is obviously difficult to present. The many years it takes were also not originally intended and have emerged over time. Freud was not unaware that the length of analysis had been increasing and, as we know, at the end of his life he dedicated an exciting text to this theme of the terminability and interminability of analysis (Freud, 1937b), but it is astonishing that here, too, there was no question of working through. Even in this text from 1914, Remembering, Repeating and Working-Through, where, despite appearing in the title, it is only mentioned at the end of the text with a few lines.