This chapter investigates the scope of consumerisation of information technologies (CoIT) in sports with its implications on the industry’s primary stakeholders; spectators, athletes, sports participants, and non-athlete professionals. The diffusion of consumer technologies such as mobile applications, OTT and fan engagement platforms, NFTs, personal fitness and training apps, and wearable technologies irreversibly changed the nature of interactions between the sports organisations and their internal and external audiences. As such CoIT continues to transform the business-to-consumer processes together with the business-to-business processes in both spectator sports and participant sports. Aside from the utilities and opportunities of these technologies to develop higher consumer and employee engagement for the Digital Native Generations, the data security and privacy risks still constitute major challenges. Contemporary sports marketing should undoubtedly reach out to cultivating digital experiences and personalised consumer engagement through state-of-the-art consumer technologies but not at the expense of the collective and human-to-human nature of sports consumption which is essential for the co-creation of sports value.