We are facing rising inequality—economic, social and political—all over the world, which points to the limits of dominant economic models such as the reigning neo-liberal global capitalism. With the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic, access to health care and the prospects of living or dying are also closely dependent on one's economic and social position while the dismantling of public health care systems in many countries has added to the precariousness of lives on the part of the many (see Horton 2020). This heightens the need for bringing a political economy and moral economy critique to our contemporary condition (see Sayer 2014). But we also need to make fresh contributions to contemporary critiques of political economy and link it to other linked concerns, themes and domains such as moral economy, moral sociology and spiritual ecology. This chapter tries to offer an integral critique and transformation of the contemporary condition by bringing critiques, creativity and transformations in political economy, moral economy, moral sociology and spiritual ecology together. It also explores pathways of transformations and alternative planetary futures emerging from such border-crossing critiques.