A fundamental aspect of social science qualitative research is immersive engagement with the field and the associated iteration of the research. But the COVID-19 outbreak had restricted the possibility of being in the ‘field’. The whole system of knowledge production seemed impossible by posing not only ethical questions (regarding the choice of topic, fieldwork, etc.) but also epistemological ones (on the scientific validity of the data produced in the field during these times). In this context, this chapter looks at some of the emerging practices that the onslaught of the pandemic brought on to social research methods. Digital tools became a way to continue research in the face of barriers to in-person engagements in the field. The new tools brought in new concerns and pathways. We take the event of the pandemic as a moment of several resets in the realm of research tools, practices, and methods. Some of the dilemmas and redefinitions that were part of this exercise are being taken up here.