There are a number of general histories which may be found useful. The old standard history, ed. Ernest Lavisse, Histoire de France depuis les origines jusqu'à la Révolution (8 vols, 1900-11) remains valuable, as is Charles Seignebos, Histoire sincère de la nation française (7th edn 1969), translated into English as A History of the French People (Cape, 1953). Short historical surveys are to be found in the following: Lucien Romier, A History of France (ed. and trans. A. L. Rowse, Macmillan, cl and pb 1962); G. Duby and R. Mandrou, Histoire de la civilisation française (1958), translated as A History of French Civilization (Weidenfeld, 1966); J. M. Wallace-Hadrill and J. McManners (eds) France: government and society (Methuen, n. edn 1970); and Douglas Johnson, A Concise History of France (Thames & H., 1971).