One of the best general books is A. G. L. Shaw, The Story of Australia (Faber, 3rd edn, cl and pb, 1967). Equally good and slightly more recent is C. M. H. Clark, A Short History of Australia (Heinemann, n.i. 1969). A more detailed account, though not going beyond about 1928, is the Cambridge History of the British Empire, vol. 7, pt 1, Australia (Camb., 1933)3 which contains a full bibliography. A more recent survey is G. Greenwood (ed.) Australia: a social and political history (Sydney, Angus & R., 3rd edn 1968), which also covers the bibliography since 1928. Of school textbooks, Sir Ernest Scott, A Short History of Australia (Melbourne, Oxf., 7th edn) is widely used. R. M. Crawford, Australia (Hutchinson, 2nd edn 1964) is an interpretative work. On most topics useful articles will be found in The Australian Encyclopedia (Sydney, Grolier Soc. of Australia, 1965).