Research on the psychological impacts of trauma in old age has focused on negative repercussions, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); however, there may also be a positive alteration in the lives of older adults. Experiences, perspectives, and insights that come with maturation contribute to an increased capacity for adaptation to novel circumstances. This chapter discusses traumatic experiences, resilience, and post-traumatic growth (PTG) in older adults and its domains across types of traumas and significant life events, social resources, and psychological aspects associated with PTG, and offers implications and considerations for future study. Older adults present different reports of different domains of PTG such that appreciation of life, relating to others, and personal strength are most likely to be noticed, whereas reports of the new opportunities domain are limited. Future research should investigate the nature of PTG in older people who have experienced a variety of traumatic events, emphasizing the influence of different kinds of traumas and related obstacles. The chapter concludes with practice implications as the demand is higher than ever before for PTG-enhancing treatments to address the needs of older people encountering various life challenges to support them in remaining safe in an aging society.