The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the lives of citizens in Brazil at the beginning of 2020. Due to social distancing policies and the closure of regular schools and specialized service centers, there was an increase in the time that parents had to spend at home taking care of children. Also, job loss and the disruption of the meal programs offered by schools had a significant impact on the financial structure of the families. For example, the unemployment rate in Brazil in 2019 increased from 11.9% to 13.5% in 2020. In April 2020, the Federal Government instituted an emergency aid program in an attempt to help the population financially. However, these actions were not sufficient to prevent the pandemic from having a structural and emotional impact on families. Also, misinformation campaigns greatly compromised the adoption of sanitary measures to contain the COVID-19 epidemic in the country. This chapter will highlight the work of a non-profit organization in Brazil during the time of the pandemic.