In the transition towards the goal of sustainability, women and men have emerged as forces, not only in support of proper environmental management but also in demand for better quality of life and greater social equity. Developing future infrastructure projects must, therefore, take into consideration the sustainability goals embedded in the 2030 Agenda. Infrastructure plays a central role since it supports coordinated action to deliver on many other goals, including those related to education, health, social protection, jobs and the environment. It is frequently presumed that women will inevitably benefit from new infrastructure projects in the same way as men do, without acknowledging possible distinct impacts on women and men according to their needs and social roles. In case of urbanization, urban sprawl and slums have greater impact on the lives of women than men. Thus, improved urban infrastructure with a gender perspective would help to mitigate a number of risks related to safety that women have to face in their everyday life. This will also lead to huge improvements in the well-being of girls and women while ensuring more sustainable development. The chapter, therefore, would explain how a gender-responsive infrastructure is one of the important factors for sustainable development.