The chapter “Navigating Through Misguided Notions: Golden Ticket” is written from the perspective of a parent and teacher, sharing their experiences and challenging a misguided notion. The author begins by discussing their blog, which focuses on raising their son, Braden, who has special needs. They then recount an incident from a special education Facebook group, where a teacher stated that children with special needs have a “golden ticket” to graduate despite not meeting kindergarten standards. The author disagrees with this sentiment and explains the importance of providing appropriate support and understanding for children with disabilities. They argue that these children should not be failed but rather placed in an environment where their specific needs can be addressed through an individualized education plan (IEP). The author highlights the challenges and realities faced by families of children with special needs, debunking the notion that their path is somehow easier. They advocate for teaching and supporting these children rather than failing them, emphasizing the importance of respect and understanding in the journey of individuals with diverse learning needs.