The chapter “Navigating Relationships With the Most Important Member of Our Team: Fake It ‘Til You Make It” explores the importance of building positive relationships with students. The author shares a personal story of a challenging student named Austin who disrupted the classroom and caused the perfect classroom dynamic to disintegrate. Frustrated and defeated, the author realized that their negative feelings toward Austin were affecting the classroom atmosphere and his behavior. After a heartwarming conversation with Austin’s mother, the author decides to “fake it ‘til they make it” and make an effort to build a positive relationship with Austin. Through shared experiences and understanding, the author discovers Austin’s interests and strengths, leading to a transformation in his behavior and his classmates’ perception of him. The chapter emphasizes the importance of empathy, genuine care, and effort in building relationships with students, as well as the positive impact it can have on their academic and social success. It concludes with a suggested activity for teachers to learn more about their students and foster stronger connections.