The chapter titled “Navigating Miscommunication: Mind the Gap” addresses the common challenges and miscommunication issues between teachers and parents. The chapter highlights the impact of technology on communication, as increased accessibility to email and instant messaging has led to an influx of parent–teacher correspondence. The author shares their personal experience of feeling overwhelmed by constant parent emails and the negative impact it had on their teaching. To address this issue, the author implemented a new communication strategy that involved a dedicated website for curriculum information, homework, and learning outcomes, along with specific email response times to establish boundaries. The author emphasizes the importance of maintaining a healthy work–life balance and setting clear expectations for both teachers and parents. The chapter also explores the benefits of platforms like Seesaw in bridging the communication gap and allowing parents to have a clearer understanding of their child’s daily experiences and progress. By improving communication and filling in the gaps, teachers can foster trust, confidence, and collaborative relationships with parents.