The chapter titled “Empowering You to Have a Difficult Conversation: Turn In” addresses the challenges of dealing with conflicts in the field of special education and provides strategies for managing difficult conversations. The chapter highlights the importance of being proactive and setting interactions up for success. Drawing on research by relationship experts Drs. Jon and Julie Gottman, the chapter introduces the ATTUNE acronym as a method for managing conflict and having difficult conversations. The acronym stands for awareness, turning in, tolerance, understanding, nondefensive response, and empathy. The chapter emphasizes the significance of building trust and demonstrating care by acknowledging others’ emotions and turning into them rather than turning away. It also discusses the importance of tolerance, understanding different viewpoints, and responding nondefensively. The chapter shares a personal story illustrating the effectiveness of these strategies in building trust and resolving conflicts between a teacher and a parent. Furthermore, the chapter provides a protocol for having difficult conversations, including steps such as requesting a meeting, sharing the topic, creating an agenda, practicing active listening, and setting action items. The chapter concludes by emphasizing the importance of presuming competence and maintaining high expectations for all parties involved in the conversation. Overall, the chapter provides practical guidance for navigating difficult conversations and fostering effective communication and collaboration.