The chapter “Empowering Your Mental and Physical Health: Self-Care” emphasizes the importance of self-care as the foundation for how we show up in the world. It shares a personal story of a woman who experienced a lack of self-care after becoming a new mother and the detrimental effects it had on her mental and physical well-being. The chapter discusses the history of the self-care movement, highlighting its evolution and the need to adapt to changing times and individual needs. It introduces the World Health Organization’s definition of self-care and the Seven Pillars of Self-Care proposed by the International Self-Care Foundation. The chapter emphasizes that self-care is not a luxury but an essential aspect of maintaining health and preventing burnout. It encourages individuals to prioritize self-care by identifying activities and relationships that give or take energy from them and incorporating regular self-care practices into their daily routines. The chapter suggests tools and strategies such as mindfulness practices, the “6-Minute Miracle” routine, and different forms of exercise, including yoga, to support self-care. It concludes by emphasizing that prioritizing self-care allows individuals to show up stronger and healthier for others and themselves.