This chapter will begin by exploring the history of analytics in the workplace as it is currently known, from its inception in ancient Roman times when the concept of insurance was first created up to the era of credit card firms and retail catalog companies which relied on analytics to drive their business models for most of the latter half of the 20th century. It will also explore today’s advanced analytics in the ever more complex and changing digital age. In addition to providing a historical context on the history of analytics in the workplace the chapter explores the use of the Managing at a Distance framework to maximize the analytics labor force around the globe. It will also explore the use of analytics and AI techniques to manage workers more effectively from a distance and not just analytics workers. Finally, it will examine how analytics changes the way we think about work and our ability to manage and lead employees who are not in the physical workspace. One of the key contributions that this chapter makes is that it recognizes and documents further evidence of the contribution of analytics to remote work. This is in addition to technology which traditionally has received the bulk of the credit.