There is no doubt that the significance of the visions, ideals, beliefs, and concepts shared and propounded by Mahatma Gandhi and J. C. Kumarappa has increased more than ever, especially at a time when India and the rest of the world is moving towards the post-pandemic era. In fact, it is not surprising to note that whenever a disaster be it financial, environmental or a biological catastrophe strikes us, we automatically think of Going Back to the Basics and Gandhian Economics as suggested by J C Kumarappa. In the recent times, it took a Covid 19 pandemic to take some time to reflect on Gandhian simplicity, village economy, decentralization, Swaraj , and Sarvodaya.

The pandemic and the resultant crisis have made people more aware of becoming self-reliant. While completely embracing Gandhian-Kumarappa framework to transform our economies and way of life may have its own limitations, the alternative models that are rooted in the Gandhian stream including Social Solidarity Economies (SSEs) are gaining more traction these days. This paper explores Gandhi-Kumarappa framework on sustainable development and political economy and its role in bringing in economic development and progressive social change in post-pandemic India. The article looks into the correlation between Gandhi-Kumarappa economy and social solidarity economy principles and its role in building an Aatmanirbhar Bharat. The article also looks into the importance of Gandhian tenets on nutrition and its role in addressing the food security in India.