I am not particularly sure whether I can draw a set of final conclusions. The reason is simple. Here is a process of learning; it is not a finished product. Moreover, I do not always have clear answers to the questions I am raising. I live in a state of contradictions and ambiguities. For instance, I know that modernity has entered my body, mind and soul. I cannot escape it. Its science tends to define my cognitive map. Its technology shapes my everyday practice. Its reason arouses my individuality. Its empiricism makes me alert. In other words, I hear a call: ‘The world is yours. Shape it. Transform it’. But then, at the same time, I know that modernity does not necessarily make me happy. I realize how its arrogance (arrogance of science and technology) causes violence— violence against nature and all that fails to cope with its logicomathematical design: our awe and wonder, nostalgia and communitarian experiences of merger and surrender.