Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly transforming the hospitality industry, and its impact is far reaching. It has the capability to improve efficiency, increase revenue, and enhance guest experiences. The concept of AI is not new, as it came into existence way back in 1986. AI technologies have both bullish and bearish effects on employment in the hospitality sector. Knowing that the hotel industry is embracing cutting-edge technology and a high degree of AI-based systems gives travel firms a great chance to boost marketing, customer service, and experience. AI-based support can be utilized to enhance customer relationships by facilitating positive customer encounters. Organizations can choose better where to employ AI solutions in their value chain by understanding how AI can be used. To sum up, it's critical to concentrate on these technologies and use the right tactics to. Even if tasks are shared and distributed between humans and machines based on the skills one has. It is concluded that the human touch can never be replaced by a new innovative technology. On the operational level, it can be used to help the hospitality sector attain unforeseen levels of efficiency by providing managers with more insights on the supply chain, earned revenue, and record of staff, various inventories too. To summarize, AI is a threat to humanity is not a myth but the truth. AI and machine learning have the capability to alter the hotel industry at different levels (i.e., from planning, marketing, client acquisition to operation, guest experience, and facilities). It may impact staffing needs; it also has the potential to create new job opportunities. To sum up about ChatGPT, both pros and cons of ChatGPT are learned. It's also important to remember that artificial intelligence (AI) cannot replace human intelligence and creativity, even though it may have an impact on the labor market around the world.