The freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy and a critical component of a functioning society. In Kenya, like many other countries, journalists face a myriad of challenges when reporting on sensitive issues, including corruption and government wrongdoing. These challenges include physical, verbal, and legal harassment, threats, pressure, and censorship due to media ownership and government control. This study employed semi-structured qualitative interviews to explore the perspectives of journalists in Kenya regarding the country’s current state of press freedom. The study defined a journalist as a professional who collects, writes, reports, or disseminates news or other information to the public via different mediums, including print, broadcast, internet, or social media, with or without an affiliation to a media organization. Findings suggest that journalists in Kenya face various forms of harassment and threats, including physical, verbal, and legal, mainly when reporting on sensitive issues such as corruption and government wrongdoing. The study also found that media ownership and government control significantly impact press freedom and independent reporting. Journalists often face pressure from media owners and government officials to avoid specific topics or to report in a certain way. The chapter concludes with recommendations for addressing these challenges, including improving legal protections for journalists, promoting media ownership transparency, and supporting independent media.