It is more apparent than ever that the health of the environment is the foundation upon which human health depends, and the healthcare sector has a vital role in addressing climate change and reducing emissions. However, the sector has become unsustainable because of the escalating cost of healthcare and because of its environmental impact. An estimated 71 per cent of emissions are generated through the healthcare supply chain for the production, transportation, and disposal of the goods and services for healthcare-related services. One approach to address this need can be found in frugal innovation (FI), as it offers a mechanism to bring together ways to minimise our environmental impact whilst broadening access to healthcare in a socially responsible way. FI offers a method of reducing costs, minimising the environmental impact, and increasing access to healthcare globally. Resource-constrained environments in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) are often the contexts where FI is used to avoid waste and minimise resource use whilst maintaining acceptable outcomes with as much simplicity as possible. This chapter discusses how we all need to leverage the experiences and lessons of frugal innovators in LMICs and implement them in high-income countries for improved planetary and population health.