We turn to the final chapter in the Handbook. Here, we present graphic representations of the key data which authors of chapters throughout the book have adduced to support their case or prosecute their argument. We divide the data indicators into four: all key data, with 38 data points; 20 indicators of concern (e.g., atmospheric carbon concentrations at 150 per cent above pre-industrial levels), 10 indicators of concern projected into the future, and for which there is time to address (e.g., 3.3 billion people living in vulnerable regions of the world), and eight positive indicators (e.g., 195 parties who approved the Paris Agreement). Our plea is for us all to make the changes we can – because we know what to do and how to do it. The challenge is the will to grasp our own future with commitment, fortitude and the will to change it. Fail, and we will not need a health system; there will be no patients and no one left to care for them. This book demonstrates that we have a raft of solutions. It is still within our power to effect the changes we need to make.